*Everything Happens*

Yes, I have this knowing, deep inside me, that there is always a good reason for everything.

Many times I forget and I'm full of judgements and blame... but other times I am completely aware of this and then I come to the realization that there is not even the need to think about the "reason".
That part can be dropped and all there is left is: "EVERYTHING HAPPENS".

I notice then, without any thought of judgement, that *EVERYTHING just HAPPENS*...♡

And then, the deeper I go into this state of no thoughts and no judgements, I notice more... something big opens in me, in my heart and I notice that the only reason for everything is.... LOVE!

WOW... you should really try this some time! I mean, letting go... of all judgements and thoughts... and just surrender... in full TRUST to "WHAT IS".

I cannot properly describe the feeling of infinite peace and freedom opening up inside of me, when I do this...

it's so incredibly nice... like I let go of all worries and stuff, stressful stuff inside of me... and then I can immediately feel all my muscles relax... parts of my body I wasn't even aware that were full of tension... I feel like jelly... and light as a feather! It's a feeling of complete detachment of any external need, because I'm in full awareness that I'm being completely taken care of...

I'm WHOLE and I'm being hold... by my entire self, contained in the whole universe! It's like being inside the arms of a mother's unconditional love and knowing that I am the mother as I am the child... nothing can ever go wrong... nothing really "bad" can ever happen to me... all is there for me to experience and learn. Everything happens for me and not to me. I can trust every thing, even the apparent bad... because the underlying force is always the same: LOVE.

I AM WHOLE & COMPLETE, just the way I am... and there is a sense that nothing else really matters, than just BEING, being me... which is naturally translated into being HAPPY!

Be & let be... 

It's everyone's choice to be who they want to be, to follow their happiness or not.

I can either love and accept reality or argue endlessly with it.

Reality may change the way I want or not.

And that's really not my business or in my control.

My business is here with me.
Reality might not change, but I can change.
And when I work on myself to react differently towards things, my whole perception of them also changes... that's the starting point for changing MY reality... for I become a happier person and that changes about everything!

I'm learning to just relax, let go of all those control issues of the past... of my past programmings, my past identifications...

...the illusion of me being something smaller than my true self.

I've seen that this all comes from my ego and only serves to reinforce it, if I follow and believe it's talk, the apparent truth as me, the little "I", which is a programmed or assumed identity and separated/distinct from the rest, is in control of anything or can ever be in control.

My bigger and real self can only laugh at such thing... it's like my hand would start thinking and behaving as a separate entity,

claiming that only she is in charge and it has nothing to do with the rest of my body.

Only a pure heart knows best and sees clear, without knowing, without seeing. It's when we close our eyes that we can see clearly and when we stop thinking that we can know the truth... for it comes naturally, when we stop trying and allow it flowing... allow us being.

I'm not yet there, but I'm moving my ass towards that! ;)

This really fells like pure freedom to me! There is no longer any need to possess something or to look for it. No need to fight, to compare, to judge, to engage mentally in anything, with anybody, or in any situation... just allowing the natural flow of things to move without interference, without fears, without insecurities, with deep trust, gratitude and love... Following those beats that come from a pure heart, we dance to the true rhythm of life and that's when the magic starts to happens... things fall naturally in alignment, into perfect place, without direct dependance of our actions.

Our actions just flow freely, as natural consequences, detached from selfish pulls or any desire to control or plan, but born as pure divine inspiration... coming from deep inside our heart... we are moved by it's music... and our feet cannot do less than follow the impulse to dance... without seeking, we find everything.... right here, right now, in our core. Perhaps that's what enlightenment is all about.

Do you remember who you were, before the world told you who you should be?

Everyone has been there before, so I know we can go back and meet that child in us again.
It is still alive and waiting...

Why not just meet him/her and play...?
I think we'll probably have the time of our lives!

For I remember being very happy back then.
Not minding anything, ...truly no mind at all.

Just a pure heart.


1 comment:

  1. If you are so enlightened, then why do you block people? I see you telling people you have reached enlightenment. Enlightened people who are pro-love don't talk about it, they DO it, they embody it. You can say a lot of things, but it's more important to make an effort to practice what you preach. You can think positively, but it's your actions that count. You hold permanent grudges with people. I am nowhere near enlightenment, but I let go of grudges eventually. You, on the other hand, continue to hold on to your anger. You are only hurting yourself.
